Be it a call center job or telemarketing job, having a part-time job has numerous advantages for most people. Working for lesser hours, but still having an equal paying job is a dream for some ''free spirits'', while it's a necessity for those who cannot work at a full-time job due to health problems, or family related reasons, etc. But still, most of such people have a question mark in their minds; ''How am I going to make a full time income?''
Majority part-time jobs
Sure, some part-time jobs don't pay as much as a regular full-time job, but you should remember that you also get more time on hand. For example, let's say you've got a part-time call center job but the money does not cover your monthly spending. You may consider looking for customer service jobs (second part-time job), since you already know how to deal with customers.
Dual part-time jobs
When you get another part-time job, it's almost guaranteed that you'll be satisfied with your income. Just make sure that your jobs do not get in each other's way, e.g. if you're already working in customer service call center jobs, telemarketing jobs would be a wise choice, because probably your call center employment experience will help you.
Advantages of part-time jobs
You may think, when you get more than one part-time job, you'll be working for more hours, so why is it called "part-time"? The point is you'll be still enjoying the advantages of part-time, such as flexible hours, less stress and equal pay. The pressure of 9 to 5 will never bother you again! If you're a stay-at-home mom or dad, you'll have much more time to spend with your kids with a customer care employment. If you're a college student, your job will fit in your schedule with call center careers. If you cannot work for long hours because of a health problem, you'll be able to divide your work schedule as you do with any part-time job.
Bottom line; part-time jobs don't necessarily mean you'll barely pay your bills. Whether you want more freedom, or you have a personal reason, you can make a full-time income combining part-time jobs.