Going out for a walk can help make a person aware of what new things are going on around their neighborhood. There are many businesses that will simply put up signs in the front window of their stores that say things like “help wanted”, “apply within” and so on. These are probably the easiest places to find a job in customer service because the person need only go in, fill out an application, and in many cases get an interview on the spot. This is even better for people to get an interview almost immediately because it gives the person hiring a chance to see their personality and how they are with other people. There have been many occasions where a person will be walking down the street, see a sign in the front window saying they are hiring, they will go in to fill out an application and basically get hired on the spot.
It may seem silly, but doing something as simple as going out for a walk can actually land someone a very good customer service job that’s not too terribly stressful and actually quite enjoyable to go to every day. Jobs are always being posted on boards as well. Walking to the post office and looking at the message board could yield an interesting job opportunity for just about anyone who is legitimately interested in finding one. The important thing is not to get too discouraged, and for the person to not limit themselves to a small area. A person doing this has to keep an eye out for any signs or posts advertising work whenever they leave the house. Being observant and then applying immediately will help get a customer service job sooner than later. It also helps to be a little eager, though not too overly eager, well dressed but not too overdressed for the job, to maintain eye contact with talking with the person who might be hiring you, and to express clearly why you would be the best for the job. Being good with people in any customer service job is an absolute must.