The counter and rental clerk is a customer service job that does not differ too much from what a customer service representative does. The big differences come in with the qualifications. While a customer service representative is often asked to have some higher education about something, a counter and rental clerk is not expected to have any. A counter and rental clerk focus more on being able to tell the customer about what is available in the store, what the costs for the goods and services are and have decent knowledge about the products they are selling. This way, when a customer has a question, they can get an answer that they will be satisfied with.
The average pay for this kind of job may not be near as high as what a customer service representative gets paid, but it is a little more than what a hair stylist or an esthetician gets paid. It’s not bad when a person thinks about it because anyone going in to be a hair stylist or an esthetician needs to go to school. Other than a diploma, a counter and rental clerk don’t need to go through anymore school in order to get the job. In most cases, the person will get the training they need on the goods and/or services that the store provides from the store they applied to. It is not an overly stressful job and is great for students or anyone else who are only looking for part time employment. This is where they pay offered will be along the lower end of the scale for this particular customer service job; however, there is the chance to make quite a bit more money in this job for those who are looking to make a career out of it. At first, it might not seem like it is possible, but it is true that even a counter and rental clerk can have the opportunity to make more money. Depending on the store the person works at as a counter and rental clerk works in, they might have the opportunity to go into sales after they have gained some experience and knowledge on the business and its goods or services. Doing this can often earn a person more income. There is also the chance that a person who does well at their job can eventually get raises, or even a promotion to a supervisor or managerial position in the store that often means a decent increase in pay.
The average pay might not seem like much at first glance, but on further consideration a person can see how they might be able to increase their pay to a relatively good income per year. It just takes someone who can be a little ambitious and who can work hard for their ultimate goal. Some people want the job as a manager or supervisor of a store. Once they achieve this they continue upward, depending on how large the company is. In many cases, there are no bounds for the ambitious who want the job near or at the top that pays the income they strive for.