Estheticians have to go to school and get the proper credentials and certificates like the people who go want to become hair stylists do. This is a good reason why estheticians get the kind of pay that they do. The average annual pay that these people get is not much more than what a hair stylist gets, but it is quite a bit more than what a bartender or server tends to make on average. An esthetician is someone who gives body and facial treatments to their customers, so it is easy to see how this job can be considered a customer service career.
An esthetician is a person who has taken the proper training and education to be able to work in this specialized field. The pay is a little higher as a result of the education and training that they have to go through. How is this job a customer service career? This is easy. Just think about what customer service is. Customer service is what people who deal with customers have to give out and it is the quality of this service that can often affect a customer’s decision to that particular place of business. An esthetician, besides doing what they were trained to do, have to make the customer feel welcome and appreciated for doing business with the company that the employee works for. If the quality of customer service that they employee gives out is very poor, the customer may not be so inclined to return for another business.
Why would anyone want this for a career? Well, the pay isn’t exceptional, but for anyone who prefers to spend their day around people this could be an ideal job. Especially if that person wants to make others feel better and more relaxed. Most people who go in for these types of treatments are easy enough to get along with and are looking for a day of relaxation before a big night, or just because they have had a long week. Most of the time, these jobs are easy enough to keep for a very long time and are easy enough to be made into a career for anyone who is interested. If someone has a mind to move up in the company, all they have to do is show how committed they are to their job as well as how good they are with dealing with the customers every day. If the quality of their work is consistent and they are great with the customers, then they are probably the ones who will be picked to become a supervisor or manager of a store. This can often lead to an increase in pay that most in this business would appreciate. Someone who has gained years of experience in this type of career can also try to start their own business in this area if they wish too. There is a lot of opportunity in this line of work for anyone who wants to stay and work at it. There is no end to the number of people who want to go in for facial and/or body treatments and so there will almost always be a call for it.